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Earth Mass Transport Studies Using GRACE Gravimetr



The unique Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) twin-satellite mission equipped with a micron precision K/Ka-Band ranging (KBR) system and other payloads, has been generating climate data record in the form of Earth’s mass variations or transports for more than a decade since March 2002.  Upon de-commissioning of GRACE mission in December, 2017, the NASA/GFZ GRACE-Followon mission is schedule to be launch to extend the 15 year GRACE climate data record.  These innovative measurements have generated transformative scientific findings and potential applications for climate change and interdisciplinary Earth science studies.  Improved formulations for the Energy Balance Approach has demonstrated that more than couple orders of magnitude improvement in precision could be achieved for the estimation of in situ geopotential differences directly using GRACE twin-satellite K/Ka-Band inter-satellite range-rate tracking data, and that the technique is efficient and flexible for global and regional gravity inversions focusing on particular geophysical signals of interest.  Our ultimate goal is to preserve both the low- and high-frequency gravity signals, and to enhance spatio-temporal resolutions for these geophysical signals.  This lecture presents selected example applications associated with the plausible objectives towards quantifying terrestrial surface and ground water storages at a local and bi-weekly or shorter temporal scale, undersea mega earthquake coseismic deformation, and natural disaster events such as flood, drought, snow storms.


C.K. Shum is a Professor and Distinguished University Scholar, Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, at The Ohio State University. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Fellow of the International Association of Geodesy. He received numerous awards including the 2012 Vening Meinesz Medal from the European Geosciences Union. He was a Lead Author in 2007 Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 (The Physical Science Basis), Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), which contributed to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to IPCC and Al Gore, Jr. Heand his group focus on scientific research relates to the quantification of 20th Century and present-day global sea-level rise due to various geophysical sources, including anthropogenic climate-change. He specializes in satellite geodesy, precision satellite orbit determination, temporal gravity field and tide modeling, and their cross-disciplinary science and applications to oceanography, hydrology, geodynamics, ice mass balance, GNSS meteorology and space physics. He has published over 241 refereed journal articles and book chapters. His work was covered by New York Times, Physics Today, Sky & Telescope Radio Show, Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science TV, Science News, Science Daily, Scientific American, Soundings magazine, Deccan Chronicle, La Figaro, MSNBC.com, Tomorrow Focus Portal GmbH, Axel Springer AG, Television Espanola, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Zurich, Columbus Dispatch, and other news organizations.


C.K. Shum
